Collection: Brooke Mallory


1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).

When I'm not making art I enjoy cooking at home, listening to vinyl, watching podcasts, reading about different philosophers, as well as staying active with outdoor activities like hiking or going to the beach.

2. Why do you make art?

From the time I was about 10 years old I've always felt a strong natural urge and inclination to create things and express myself. I used to take part in child acting for a good portion of my youth but as soon as that fizzled out and my high school sports seasons ended I knew I wanted to dive back into art and better develop those skills from that point on.

3. What inspires you?

So many different things continue to inspire me and the list goes on. I don't always view individuals, events, or happenings represented in my art as being necessarily “positive” or “negative,” per se, but rather take interest in the implications of parody, surrealism, spirituality, or esoterics. Other times, I randomly envision a scenery or person and will simply try to replicate it from my own imagination.

4. What/who are your influences?

Peter Saul, James Rosenquist, and David Salle.

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?

David Bowie, Salvador Dali, Jeff Lynne, and Nikola Tesla thrown in there too if we still have time!